Date of Issue : Jan 2001 1. IDENTIFICATION
General Product Name : DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE Other Names : AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIBASIC; DISAMMONIUM HYDROGEN PHOSPHATE SECONDARY AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE, DAP UN No. : N/A Dangerous Goods Class : None Allocated Subsidiary Risk : None Allocated Hazchem Code : N/A Pack Group : 0 EPG : N/A Poisons Schedule : N/A Uses : Flameproofing of wood, paper and textiles; coating vegetation to retard forest fires; to prevent afterglow in matches and smoking of candlewicks; fertiliser (high analysis phosphate type); plant nutrient solutions; manufacture of yeast, vinegar and bread improvers; feed additive; flux for soldering tin, copper, brass, zinc; purifying sugar; in ammoniated dentrifices; halophosphate phosphors
1.1 Physical Description / Properties
Appearance : White anhydrous crystals or powder, odourless. Formula : (NH4)2HPO4 Boiling Point : N/A deg C Melting Point : 100 deg C Vapour Pressure : N/A Specific Gravity : 1.619 (water = 1) Flash Point : N/A pH : 8 () Solubility in water : 690 g/l (25 deg C) Flammability Limits (as percentage volume in air) Lower Explosion Limit : N/A Upper Explosion Limit : N/A 1.2 Other Properties
Begins to decompose at 100 deg C. 1.3 Ingredients
2.1 Health Effects - Acute Swallowed
Minimal toxicity. Irritating for oesophagus and stomach; abdominal pain. Eye
Dust may be irritating but will not injure eye tissue. Skin
Prolonged contact may be irritating. Low toxicity. Inhaled
Dust may be irritating to the respiratory system and mucous membranes. 2.2 Health Effects - Chronic
Carcinogenicity : none identified. Mutagenicity : none identified. Reproductive effects : none identified.
2.3 First Aid
First aid is normally not required. If large amounts are swallowed, obtain medical attention.
Immediately flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Obtain medical attention.
Wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.
Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Obtain medical attention.
First Aid Facilities
Ensure an eye bath and safety shower are available and ready for use.
2.5 Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically based on judgement of doctor and individual reactions of patient.
2.6 Toxicity Data
Oral LD50 = not available Dermal LD50 = not available Inhalation LC50 = not available
3.1 Exposure Standards
No occupational exposure limits have been established, however the following is recommended for nuisance dust : TWA 10 mg/m3.
3.2 Engineering Controls
Ensure adequate ventilation to maintain exposure levels below standards,
3.3 Personal Protection
Respiratory - if use conditions generate dust, wear an approved respirator appropriate for those emission levels. This may be a full face- piece or a half mask air-purifying cartridge with particulate filters, a self-contained breathing apparatus in the pressure demand mode or a supplied air respirator. Hands/skin - wear rubber gloves, protective clothing and boots. Eyes - wear chemical safety goggles, unless a full face-piece respirator is also worn. Wash thoroughly after handling and before eating, drinking, smoking and using the toilet.
3.4 Flammability
Material is non-flammable SAFE HANDLING INFORMATION
4.1 Storage / Transport
Store in a temperate, dry, well ventilated place away from incompatible materials. Keep bags dry at all times. Avoid breathing dust. Prevent contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wash afetr handling. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before re-use. Containers, even those that have been emptied, will retain product residue. Always obey hazard warnings and handle empty containers as if they were full.
4.2 Packaging / Labelling UN No. N/A Class None Allocated Sub Risk None Allocated Hazchem Code N/A Pack Group 0 EPG No. N/A Shipping Name DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE Hazard
Risk Phrases
Safety Phrases
4.3 Spills and Disposal
Avoid raising dust. Wear full protective clothing, rubber boots, rubber gloves, rubber apron and a self-contained breathing apparatus. Keep unnecessary people away. Keep out of sewers, storm drains, surface waters and soil.
Sweep up and shovel material into approved containers and hold for waste disposal. Move containers away from spill area. Wash spill residues with water.
Dispose of contaminated product and material used in cleaning up spills or leaks in accordance with all Local, State and Federal regulations at an approved waste disposal facility. Empty containers can have residues, gases and mists and are subject to proper waste disposal as above.
Will not burn or explode. Stable under normal conditions. Avoid extremes in temperature and contact with moisture. Avoid contact with magnesium, strong acids and strong bases. Hazardous decomposition products include toxic fumes of phosphorous oxides and ammonia.
Extinguishing Media
Evacuate area - move upwind of fire. Call Fire Brigade, dial 000 immediately. Fire-fighters should wear full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus. All types of extinguishing media can be used for fire. Use media/equipment appropriate to surrounding fire conditions. 5 OTHER INFORMATION
Other Information
Phosphate will promote algae growth and may degrade water quality. Aquatic toxicity : LC50 155 mg/l/96hr (fathead minnows)
5.1 Contact Points
The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use.